ABLE Accounts

ABLE Accounts (Achieving a Better Life Experience) Did you know you can deposit your COVID-19 Stimulus Payment into your ABLE Account? ABLE Accounts and COVID-19 Stimulus Payments   ABLE accounts help individuals save their money, while preserving their SSI and Medicaid. Eligible applicants can save for qualified disability expenses without losing eligibility for certain assistance programs, like […]

Supported Decision Making

Supported Decision Making is a way to get help making choices and have those choices recognized. Helpful Terms Agreement = something that you say you are going to do Guardianship = a legal proceeding that can remove some or all of your rights and assign control to someone else. Provider = someone who is paid […]

Accessibility and Universal Access

What is it and why should it matter? “Ensuring equal access isn’t just a responsibility by law, or a checklist to be marked off. It is the constant process of seeking to expand meaningful participation for ALL abilities.” NGCDD Accessibility is the degree to which a product, device, program, service, resource, or environment is equally accessible […]


Self Advocacy Coordinator Identified as a need in Nevada, Self-Advocacy is defined as the act of speaking on the behalf of or in support of another person, place or thing. This can mean people speaking or acting on their own behalf to improve their quality of life, or correct something that is wrong. Our Self-Advocacy […]